Many researchers and students are committing copyright infringement in preparing presentations for conferences and other events. We developed a simple guide to help researchers on our project to aim towards developing presentations that complies with principles of open access.
Making your work openly accessible by adding the right license to it and uploading it to an open, online platform, allows others (including schools, colleagues, your own students) to reuse it. If you choose to publish your open presentations on a platform that supports open access, it is also possible for you to get citations and track the reach and impact of your work.
There are loads of image sources where re-useable images can be found. Copying and pasting any image off the internet without understanding under what license it is made available (or copyright) is not the right way to go about it.
Some useful sources include:
If you are referring to something someone else said or published, remember to put a reference to that statement or publication so that your audience (during the live talk, or afterwards when they find your slides on the internet) can look up the reference for themselves.
There are many ways to reference things in slides. Various discussions and opinions are available online, but according to Library Connect it is advisable to put *both* inline short references as well as a slide at the end of your deck including full references similar to what you would put in an academic paper. For more information visit Library Connect.
Some advice about attributing images is available on the Creative Commons website as well.
Once you are sure your slide deck complies with general open access guidelines (is not infringing copyright), it is time to decide under which license it should be made available. Information about open licenses can be found on the Creative Commons website. The licenses which make it easiest for people to reuse your work include:
Once you’ve decided on a license, Creative Commons’ “Choose a License” site allows you to obtain various formats of the correct representation to add to your work. This includes the option to provide a machine-readable description of your work that will make it easier for people to find and reference your work adequately. Visit the Creative Commons website for examples of how to mark your works with open licenses.
These days there are many online platforms that support open content and automatically can add a license to your work. This means by making your work available on the platform of your choice, the platform will provide you with a selection of licenses that will be added to your online work such as a presentation or even a video or audio recording of your presentation. Some of the platforms that are commonly used include:
Platforms that are commonly used in academia these days include:
The we-DELIVER project created a shared site on FigShare and will be publishing all our works there. The repository is available at Members of the project are encouraged to upload their works to the repository to help us track the outputs and impact.
Steps to add works to the we-DELIVER site in FigShare: